Rabu, Agustus 31, 2011

Universal Studio of Singapore, after Grand Launching Part 1 of 2

Setelah Grand Launching Universal Studio of Singapore, rasanya informasi mengenai "taman bermain" ini perlu diupdate. Karena, semua permainan yang ada sudah lengkap, sehingga tempat itu bukan hanya photo spot saja, menandakan bahwa kita pernah menjejak kaki disana, dan terpenting, it worth the price.

Berikut plus minus nya menurut ukuran kami pribadi.

Unsur Plusnya:

Universal Studio of Singapore dikemas begitu rapi dengan keunggulan utama pada teknologi dan tema film-film produksi Universal Studio yang dekat di hati para young people and also young-at-heart people like us.:)

Para staf operasional sigap dan siap menolong atau memberi informasi. Contoh, saat kami tiba di wahana/attraction The Lost World, hendak mengantri Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, staf di pintu masuk antrian depan langsung menginformasikan pada kami bahwa dibutuhkan kira-kira 60 menit untuk antri sebelum bisa naik ke wahana berupa river raft ride yang hanya berlangsung kira-kira 20 menit saja.

Informasi jam pertunjukan bisa diambil dengan mudah dekat pintu masuk, berupa selebaran, dan info yang sama ditaruh di papan digital di beberapa tempat. 

Unsur keamanan dan kenyamanan diperhatikan dengan porsi yang seimbang. Area kursi dekat WaterWorld segera diminta dikosongkan oleh staf apabila show berakhir, dengan alasan mereka akan membawa banyak bahan mengandung bahan peledak melewati kursi-kursi tempat duduk.

Water tap atau air gratis selalu tersedia di berbagai spot, kalau tidak tahu tinggal tanya saja, dan mereka akan segera menginformasikan tempatnya. Hanya modal botol kosong saja.

Semua wahana atau attractions sudah berfungsi dan berjalan on schedule, sesuai dengan yang tertera di selebaran.

Pushed chair atau stroller tersedia untuk rental, lengkap dengan tempat-tempat parkir stroller disediakan. Stroller nya diberi label nama dan berbentuk roda 3, muat sekitar 2 anak, juga tersedia tempat barang di bagian bawah. Highly recommended for children age 2-6 or 7 y.o.

Setiap antrian wahana atau attraction selalu menyediakan papan digital menginformasikan estimasi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengantri. Contoh, siang hari, untuk mengantri naik Enchanted Airways di wahana Far Far Away, papan digital menginformasikan bahwa dibutuhkan kira-kira 30 menit dari antrian terakhir untuk sampai di spot, sementara sore hari jam 17.00, papan digital menginformasikan hanya butuh kira-kira 5 menit mengantri untuk sampai di spot.

Photo spot tersedia gratis dan eye catching, walaupun photo session dengan 'badut" karakter-karakter tema film Universal Studio bersifat random.

Makanan banyak pilihan, informasi halal dan non halal bisa langsung ditanyakan pada penjual.

Souvenirs dijual tiap-tiap booth besar sesuai tema, dan juga dijual di booth-booth kecil di luar di pinggir jalan.

Unsur minus nya:

Ukuran theme park ini tergolong kecil, Dufan masih jauh lebih luas.

Udara panasnya semakin terasa escalated karena tidak begitu banyak pohon-pohon rindang dan besar.

Antrian panjang hampir selalu terjadi di setiap wahana atau attractions dan juga photo sessions with characters. Solusi pintar: beli tiket tambahan bernama Universal Express. It worth the time and strength to endure the long queque and hot weather!

Berikut dibawah adalah peta dari wahana yang ada di Universal Studio of Singapore, beserta info detailnya.

Next post adalah part 2 of 2, yang berisi tips mengunjungi Universal Studio of Singapore membawa anak kecil.

Map of Universal Studio of Singapore's Attractions

Details of Universal Studio of Singapore's Attractions

Hope it helps. ^_^

Nama-nama lain dari MSG | Monosodium Glutamate

Artikel ini khusus untuk menginformasikan nama-nama lain dari MSG yang mungkin terdapat di dalam ingredients makanan, utamanya kemasan. Isi artikel diambil atau di copy-paste dari link berikut: dan juga  link berikut:

MSG by Any Other Name

I am writing this because I had a whopper of a headache after eating some seemingly innocent "all natural" onion ring snacks.  Man were they tasty!  Sure, I probably ate more than I should have, but they were soooo good.  Shortly thereafter, my migraine set in which prompted me to look at the ingredients on the bag of my delicious new friends.  I wondered what could have been in them that made me feel so awful.  I had suspected  monosodium glutamate (MSG) since I know I am sensitive to it, but MSG didn't pop out at me on the ingredient list.  What did catch my eye was modified food starch.  Guess what?  It's MSG.

Time for a little history lesson.   MSG is a flavor enhancer or food additive that was discovered in Japan in the early 1900s and was introduced to the U.S. in 1947.  It is produced by the fermentation of starch from plants like sugar beets, sugar cane and molasses.  In 2001 over 1.5 million tonnes (metric tons) were produced with an expected annual increase of 4%.  That's a lot of MSG, my friends.  You may be asking yourself why that's such a big deal.  If you're not sensitive to MSG's effects, then it's probably not.  But... check this out:  MSG and its posers have been linked to the following diseases and disorders (and it's not pretty):
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Petit Mal seizures
  • Migraine Headaches (uh, hello!)
  • Children's Disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Cancer
  • Fibromyalgia
  • ADHD and Autism
  • Numbness
(Read more on the above here).

Yikes! So how can we stay away from this nasty stuff?  Well, it's hard.  MSG (and posers) is found in many of the foods in our modern society such as fast foods, prepared and processed foods, salad dressings, sauces, soups, cooking stocks, snack foods and chips.  Your best bet is to avoid these foods as much as possible and to arm yourself with information.  You can do that by always reading the labels.

Foods always contain MSG if the following are on the label:
  • MSG
  • Monosodium glutamate
  • Monopotassium glutamate
  • Glutamate
  • Glutamic acid
  • Gelatin
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Hydrolyzed plant protein
  • Autolyzed plant protein
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Calcium caseinate
  • Textured protein
  • Yeast extract
  • Yeast food or nutrient
  • Autolyzed yeast
Of course, there are all sorts of conflicting studies, stories, and everything in between on the relative "safety" of MSG.  Believe what you will.  I know for certain that I suffer from migraines when I eat MSG-laced food so I do my best to stay away from the stuff.

MSG is sometimes hidden in food with labels that say "No Added MSG,"
"No MSG Added," and "No MSG"
We found the following in 2006 at Trader Joe's in Chicago:
Imagine ORGANIC Free Range Chicken Broth 
Ingredients include "natural flavor" -- and Imagine doesn't tell what is in the "natural flavor" and/or provide an analysis of the amount of processed free glutamic acid in their product.

Kitchen Basics Natural Chicken Stock
Ingredients include "chicken stock," "natural flavor," and "vegetable stocks" -- and Kitchen Basics doesn't tell what is in the "chicken stock," "natural flavor," and "vegetable stock," and/or provide an analysis of the amount of processed free glutamic acid in their product.
Manufacturers are acutely aware that many consumers would prefer not to have MSG (1) in their food.(2) Some manufacturers have responded by using "clean labels," i.e., labels that contain only ingredient names they think consumers will not recognize as containing MSG -- names such as "hydrolyzed soy protein."  Others advertise "No MSG," "No MSG Added," or "No Added MSG," even though their products contain MSG.
Most offenders are small processors who are possibly being misguided by the FDA, the USDA, and/or consultants. Hain and Campbell's, both large companies, are among those who have been alerted to both the deception that they are perpetrating and the illegality of what they are doing, yet continue with what the FDA has, in the past, termed deceptive and misleading labeling.
Placing "No MSG," "No MSG Added," or "No Added MSG" on food labels has been deemed by the FDA to be false and misleading under section (403)(a)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act when the label also lists any hydrolyzed protein as an ingredient since it contains MSG."(3) Thus, to advertise "No MSG," "No MSG Added," or "No Added MSG" when there is processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in a product is illegal.
At one time, the FDA responded to the illegal use of the term "No MSG Added," with both a Regulatory Letter and threat of seizure and injunction in case of non-compliance.(4) At one time, State Attorneys General sued manufacturers that made such claims, and won consent decrees from them, and sometimes fines were imposed.(5-6)  But when the FDA began to look the other way, and the State Attorneys General turned their attention to other matters, the deceptive and misleading use of "No MSG" and No Added MSG" once more began proliferating.
Following the FDA's announcement in 1995 that "...FDA considers foods whose labels say "No MSG" or "No Added MSG" to be misleading if the food contains ingredients that are sources of free glutamates, such as hydrolyzed protein,"(7) the incidence of such misleading and deceptive labels regulated by the FDA began to decline. At the same time, similar labels regulated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) continued proliferating. At the USDA they don't simply fail to enforce the regulation. The USDA actually approves labels of meat and poultry products that claim "No MSG," "No MSG Added," or "No Added MSG" when they contain free glutamic acid.
Clearly, it is false and misleading to claim "No MSG" or "No MSG Added" on a product label when MSG is present, even if it is present as a constituent of an ingredient.
Those making such claims should be able to demonstrate, through valid tests for free glutamic acid content, that there is no (zero) free glutamic acid in their products.
Even if one could assume that a particular label reflected the ingredients actually in the product (which one cannot), review of product labels to determine the presence of MSG would not be satisfactory, and will not substitute for analysis of the end product. The number of products/ingredients /substances that contain MSG is not finite, i.e., new ingredients that contain MSG are invented and/or renamed every day. To keep track of them would be virtually impossible. Moreover, MSG can be freed from protein during processing or manufacture given appropriate conditions.  For example, any ingredient that contains a bit of protein can be hydrolyzed if hydrochloric acid, enzymes, heat, and/or other substances or conditions that cause glutamic acid to be separated out of its host protein are present, resulting in some processed free glutamic acid (MSG). Hydrolyzation of protein inevitably creates some (processed) free glutamic acid (MSG).
Only if there is no (zero) free glutamic acid in an end product can one legitimately claim that there is no MSG. The burden of proof for a claim about the absence of MSG must lie with those making the claim.
If you write or call to ask whether or not there is MSG in a product...
If you want to find out if there is processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in a product, you must ask the manufacturer for information about "free glutamic acid."  Don't ask about "MSG."   Manufacturers find it convenient, when speaking to consumers, to tell them that there is no "MSG" in their product, meaning that there is no ingredient called "monosodium glutamate."  Even if a manufacturer tells you there is no MSG in a product, there may be autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed pea protein, carrageenan, sodium caseinate, enzymes, and a whole slew of other ingredients that contain or create processed free glutamic acid (MSG) during manufacture.
If you are told that all of the MSG in a product is "naturally occurring," thank the manufacturer for that meaningless information, but explain that all processed free glutamic acid (MSG) is referred to as "natural" by the FDA -- so "natural" tells you nothing.  In fact, as the word "natural" is defined by the FDA, the food ingredient "monosodium glutamate" is "natural."
It is the amount of processed free glutamic acid in the product that will determine whether or not you might suffer an MSG reaction. (Everyone has a different tolerance for MSG.) If the manufacturer claims not to know whether or not there is processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in his or her product, ask that the product be analyzed for free amino acids, including free glutamic acid. There are tests for measuring free glutamic acid. The AOAC Official Methods of Analysis (1984) gives one method. There are others. The cost of testing should be no more than $150.
We have been advised by the FDA that if any such misbranded products are brought to their attention, they will act to correct the situation. To report misbranded products to the FDA, please call the FDA at 888-723-3366 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., eastern time - and keep a record of your call.
Submissions of illegal labeling from conscientious label readers:
(Examples include names of ingredients that sometimes or always contain or create MSG)
KcKay's Chicken Style Instant Broth and Seasoning
Autolyzed Yeast
(In addition, they use disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate -- expensive flavor potentiaters that work synergistically with processed free glutamic acid (MSG) -- and, we are told, are only cost effective when used with processed free glutamic acid (MSG))
Spice Bouquet   Adobo seasoning
"No additives or MSG"
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
Lightlife Foods  Smart Ground
"No MSG"
Soy Protein Concentrate, Soy Sauce, Natural Flavors, Malt Extract, Wheat Starch
Lightlife Foods Tofu Pups
Soy Protein Isolate, Yeast Extract, Carrageenan, Natural Smoke Flavor
Campbell's Healthy Request Cream of Mushroom
"No MSG"
Modified Food Starch, Whey Protein Concentrate, Maltodextrin, Flavoring
(In addition, Campbell's used disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate -- expensive flavor potentiaters that work synergistically with processed free glutamic acid (MSG) -- and, we are told, are only cost effective when used with processed free glutamic acid (MSG))
Lawry's Tenderizing Beef Marinade Spices & Seasonings
"No MSG Added"
Modified Food Starch, Natural Flavoring
Simply Organic Macaroni & Cheese
"Our products DO NOT contain MSG, hydrolyzed vegetable protein..."
Natural Flavors, Organic Autolyzed yeast extract
Geno's All-In-One Sauce
"No MSG"
Soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce (...hydrolyzed corn and soy protein...), Natural flavoring, Modified food starch
Cardini's Herb Poppy Seed Dressing (Low Fat)
Maltodextrin, Modified Food Starch, Whey Protein Concentrate, Natural Flavor
Simply Organic spicy chili
"Our products do not contain MSG..."
Organic Autolyzed Yeast Extract
Modern Products All Natural Vege-Sal All Purpose Vegetized Seasoning Salt
Soy Sauce, Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
Hain Pure Foods All Natural Chicken Broth
"No Added MSG"
Chicken Broth, Chicken Base, Autolyzed Yeast Extract
Campbell's Healthy Request Minestrone
"Contains No MSG"
Contains: Chicken stock, high fructose corn syrup, chicken flavor,  Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate, Flavoring
(Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate are expensive additives that work synergistically with processed free glutamic acid (MSG).  It would not be cost effective to use them if there were no processed free glutamic acid (MSG) in the product.)
Blue Diamond Almond Toppers
"No MSG"
Nonfat milk solids, Cheese cultures, Enzymes, Maltodextrin,  Enzyme modified parmesan cheese, Torula yeast, Natural flavor, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate
Farm House Parmesan Pasta (Distributed by General Mills Sales, Inc.)
"No MSG"
Enzymes, Maltodextrin, Autolyzed yeast extract, Modified corn starch, Natural flavor
The following label violations(8) were observed in 1999 on or after April 1, 1999
(Examples include names of ingredients that sometimes or always contain or create MSG)
Briannas Home Style Blue Cheese Dressing
Contains: Cheese culture, Enzymes, Vinegar, Buttermilk powder, Natural flavor, Citric acid
Campbell's Healthy Request Cream of Mushroom
"No MSG"
Contains: Modified food starch, Cornstarch, Whey protein concentrate, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate, Maltodextrin, Mushroom powder
Campbell's Healthy Request Chicken Broth
"No MSG"
Contains: Chicken stock, Chicken flavor (dried chicken stock, gelatin, flavoring) Flavoring, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate
Campbell's Healthy Request Hearty Chicken Noodle
"No MSG"
Contains: Chicken stock, Modified food starch, Maltodextrin, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate, Cultured whey, Modified food starch, Soy protein isolate, Chicken flavor
Campbell's Healthy Request Hearty Tomato Ravioli with Vegetables
Contains: Carrageenan, Pasteurized part skim milk, Cheese cultures, Enzymes, Modified food starch, Enzyme modified butter, Cream powder, Nonfat dry milk, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate
Dominique's New England Clam Chowder (Distributed by: American marketing Team, Bloomfield, NJ)
"No MSG Added"
Contains: Modified corn starch, Isolated soy protein, Clam broth concentrate, Yeast extract, Natural flavor
Franco-American SPACE GOOFS shaped Pasta with MEATBALLS in Tomato Sauce
"No MSG"
Contains: Soy protein isolate, Enzyme modified cheddar cheese, Enzyme modified butter
Hain Pure Food All Natural Vegetable Broth
"No Added MSG"
Contains: Autolyzed yeast extract
Herb ox very low sodium Instant Broth & Seasoning Chicken Bouillon with other natural flavors
Contains: Maltodextrin, Monoammonian glutamate, Gelatin, Citric acid, Natural flavoring, Disodium inosinate, Disodium guanylate
Naturade Fat-Free Vegetable Protein
Contains: 4540 mg glutamic acid per serving
Newman's Own Ranch Dressing
"No MSG"
Contains: Natural flavor, Yeast extract
(Newman's has removed the "No MSG" claim from its label)
Tony Charchere's Lite Creole Seasoning
Contains: Maltodextrin
Let Us Hear From You
We thank all of you who have so generously shared information with us.  We would be pleased to publish additional examples of misbranded products and note corrections made by manufacturers on this Web page. Please send offending labels and corrected labels to the Truth in Labeling Campaign, 850 N. DeWitt Place, Suite 20B, Chicago, IL  60611 along with your name, address, and phone number.

1. Free form glutamic acid that occurs in food as a consequence of manufacture.
2. National Food Merchandiser March, 1992. Page 16.
3. Janice F. Oliver, Director, Office of Regulatory Guidance, Center for food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA. Letter to Jack L. Samuels dated December 5, 1991.
4. April 10, 1990 FDA Regulatory Letter to Fantastic Foods, Inc., Novato, CA.
5. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Plaintiff VS. S&B International Corporation, Defendant. Civil Action - Equity No. 358 MD 1992
6. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Plaintiff VS Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated Defendant Civil Action - Equity No 257 M.D. 1991
7. FDA Backgrounder. BG 95-16 (August 31, 1995)
8. Among the ingredients listed here, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, yeast extract, autolyzed yeast extract, and gelatin always contain MSG. Disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate are expensive additives which work synergistically with MSG, and have little or no flavor-enhancing capabilities of their own. The other ingredients often, if not always, contain MSG.

Hope it helps

Senin, Agustus 08, 2011

Share Rental Apartemen Centrepoint di Singapore

Sebenarnya, harga rental satu unit kamar apartemen di Singapore bersaing dengan harga booking satu kamar hotel bintang 3-4 di Singapore.

Dua hal yang menjadi nilai tambah untuk memilih rental apartemen buat saya adalah, satu unit kamar apartemen bisa untuk sekitar 4-5 orang, sementara hotel membatasi hanya 2 orang dewasa + 1 anak, lebih dari jumlah tersebut membayar tambahan ekstra bed. Alasan yang kedua adalah akses untuk membeli berbagai variasi makanan murah meriah lebih mudah, utamanya karena rata-rata apartemen peruntukannya adalah untuk hunian biasa.

Untuk kunjungan ke Singapore kali ini, kami memilih apartemen di daerah Orchard road, tepatnya di Centrepoint. Singkatnya, apartemen di daerah Orchard menguntungkan karena, daerah tersebut selalu ramai, aman walaupun malam hari sekalipun, banyak pilihan makanan, banyak pilihan toko untuk belanja, akses taksi maupun MRT juga dekat.

Centrepoint sendiri sebenarnya adalah mal dengan apartemen di bagian atas. Malnya tidak besar, hanya sekitar 4 lantai, tapi cukup lengkap, dengan McD, 7Eleven, Subway, Breadtalk, Cold Storage, Robinsons, juga berbagai toko baju dan aksesoris, baby juga jam, dan lainnya. Berseberangan juga tersedia mal lainnya yang baru dan mungkin lebih lengkap, salah satunya 313 Somerset, yang dilewati jalur dan memiliki stasiun MRT.

Unit apartemen yang disewakan ada beberapa, yang kami sewa terletak di lantai 6 adalah satu unit besar terdiri dari 5 unit kamar tidur dan 3 kamar mandi dan 1 dapur dan 1 living room. Hanya ada satu unit kamar tidur yang memiliki kamar mandi dalam, 4 kamar tidur lainnya berbagi 2 kamar mandi. Kami memilih unit kamar tidur dengan kamar mandi didalam, walaupun kamar mandi luar juga ternyata sama bersihnya.  Housekeeper yang menjaga selalu membersihkan setiap hari. Keamanan terjaga karena pintu masuk dari mal selalu dijaga petugas dan tamu tanpa kunci dan identitas jelas, tidak bisa masuk.

Transportasi seputar apartemen sangat mudah, antrian taksi tersedia 24 jam, daerah ini sangat hidup dengan adanya 7eleven dan McDonald yang terletak di basement.

Makanan banyak tersedia, 7Eleven sepertinya menyediakan menu murah meriah dimulai dari sekitar SGD 3-5, McDonald pun menyediakan menu family pack SGD 20 untuk kira-kira 3 burgers + 3 fries + 3 beverages + 3 chicken wings

Cara rental apartemen, booking dengan Helen di link berikut

Pembayaran setidaknya separuhnya ditransfer ke Helen di Jakarta, sisanya dibayarkan dalam bentuk SGD, cash kepada housekeeper.

Deposit SGD 50 dikenakan untuk kunci, apabila saat check-out kunci kembali utuh, deposit akan dikembalikan.

Waktu check in dan check out seperti di hotel, in jam 14.00, out jam 12.00. Aktivitas early check-in subject to on the spot condition tapi setidaknya bisa titip koper terlebih dahulu, aktivitas late check-in bisa dilakukan tapi dengan tambahan biaya, lalu aktivitas titip luggage juga bisa dilakukan tapi dengan tambahan biaya.

Semoga membantu